Thursday, September 13, 2007


So yesterday when I called PP he said he was leaving in an hour to dig Babcia's grave. No big deal, as she is cremated, but I was worried about him being alone. He wasn't; his friend PH, who has known him nearly his whole life, and whose parents were friends with Babcia was there.

Then today, as PP stood with the priest at the grave, PP called me up. I stood next to him while we prayed; the priest sprinkled holy water over the small box Babcia was in, and I picked it up, kissed it, and put it in the ground.

I buried Babcia.

After I put her in I knelt down and said a Hail Mary (Dr. Moo, when I told her this, said "I wonderered why your ass was sticking out the side of the headstone"), then PP handed me the shovel and I scooped in some dirt. He finished the job. Dr. Moo brought roses and then Little Brother and his wife and my mom and everyone else came up to check it out. Moo scratched the moss that had grown over the V in Babcia's name. OSB's daughter and KBH's son picked wildflowers.

It's surprising how tired four little shovelfuls of dirt can make you.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm so sorry for your loss. my thoughts are with you.

9:22 PM, September 13, 2007

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Four little shovelfuls they may have been but a mountainful of emotions.

6:02 AM, September 14, 2007

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Babcia was most certainly watching every minute of her burial (spiritually watching that is) and enjoying every bit - especially with your bum up in the air leaning down to kiss her box of ashes - she most certainly would have had the perfect comment for that!

She will be missed! I know I will most certainly miss all your stories about her.

Big Hug!

3:03 PM, September 14, 2007

Blogger Overmatter said...

I'm sorry, too. Grief -- even in the form of celebrating a well-lived life -- is exhausting.

But damn, girl, you sure can write. I'm sure Babcia was tickled by the tribute, and by your sharing it with us so eloquently.

3:10 PM, September 14, 2007

Blogger Teri said...

Ah honey. Blessings...

8:02 PM, September 14, 2007

Blogger McPolack said...

Thanks, guys. Everything you all said means a lot to me and I know it does to (this is for you, ctale) "the bumsha", too.

: )

10:24 PM, September 14, 2007


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