Thursday, October 25, 2007


1. My first cow surgery: Moo called me to tell me our patient is doing just fine. According to the farmer, when he went out to the barn the next morning, "She looked like a completely different cow!" Perhaps cow nurse is a career avenue worth exploring.

2. My fancy cellulite cream: Well I forgot to apply the cold flesh-like stickers after the first week (until tonight; there's one working its magic on me flabs right now) but have been rubbing the cream on one side of me religiously. I thought I actually looked jigglier when I looked at myself in the gym the other day. But I will soldier on!

3. The mens: Meh. Nothing happening there. To be honest, I've sort of given up on the whole thing. When I was visiting Moo I flipped through one of those for sale by owner real estate guides and found a beautiful red house with an attached barn in Bennington, Vermont that was affordable and perfect, perfect, perfect for a single person such as myself. And now I think perhaps if I hadn't devoted all that time and energy to men maybe I would have taken a different path that led me to solitude in that house in Vermont, as opposed to solitude here. Who knows. But I'm striding confidently forward solo, and I feel OK about it.


Blogger K said...

Buy the house!! It sounds awesome!!

8:17 PM, October 25, 2007

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep striding confidently on and it'll all be OK.

1:18 PM, October 26, 2007

Blogger Teri said...

I have empathy for your #3.

I struggle with: why can't I be exactly where I want to be? How have I mismanaged my resources? Where did I take wrong turns? What would it take to have my ideal environment, a fitting home? Would an ideal physical address change anything - or is home in my heart, and it's up to me to cultivate it regardless of where I reside?

And of course those questions apply to potential partners, too...

(Hope that makes sense...)

9:20 PM, October 26, 2007


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