Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Oh the flossy flossy

Well I went to the interview today and the person who interviewed me really liked me and I am pretty sure I could have the job if I wanted it -- although I still have to go through some more hoops -- but I don't want the job. Ugh, ugh, ugh. It's not great pay, there's no room for advancement, my immediate superior is quite a bit younger than me, and the manager of the whole place, while being an honest, kind person who is concerned about his employees just didn't click with me. Also it's a commute to work in a cube all day. OK in a cube and out of it. The thought of having to go to work there makes my tummy feel like I ate an entire mincemeat pie with a barbecue potato chip chaser and there are no Tums in sight.

In other work news, my favorite television program is hiring and I applied for a job there on Friday evening. I haven't heard back. In other other work news, the freelance stuff is finally starting to pick up and I'm figuring it all out and I have to say that, despite the long hours, I really like it.

When I got back from the interview I went for a run with Sheena, my iPod. I'm not a real top 40 kind of girl but I did purchase a Fergie song, Glamorous. And oh do I love it. I am a big fan of Fergie. She peed herself on stage, she's said the words "lovely lady lumps" in public many times, and she makes up ridiculous words. Like flossy flossy. WTF is that? My first kitty was named F-l-o-s-s-i-e Flossie. She was named for one of the Bobsey Twins and she slept on the end of my bed when I was a girl until she got old, crawled under the barn, and died. I'm sure Fergs isn't bemoaning the fate of my pet when she sings "Oh the flossy flossy." I have no idea why she's singing it and also, let's be honest, it's a pretty stupid thing to sing. Stupid but in the context of the song it's like buttah.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

did she actually pee her pants? I thought it was just a lot of sweat from being on stage - the poor girl...her boyfriend is hot actually...so not so poor girl.

10:03 AM, November 14, 2007

Blogger McPolack said...

oh no, it was pee...she was told by her "people" to say it wasn't pee but then it eventually came out that it was.

and yes her bf is v.v. hot. And also a little dumb, I think, but who cares? He was on the Ellen show once and she asked him "So, what do you do with all that junk inside that trunk?"

11:08 AM, November 14, 2007


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