Friday, December 07, 2007


The job I was vying for and really didn't want ended up not wanting me, a mere 30 minutes before I was going to tell them I didn't want them, which left me with that bereft feeling you get when someone who you were planning on dumping dumps you first.

The other job, the job I really really wanted, has thus far come to nothing, though the person who used to work at the company that I went to for advice is apparently back working at that company again although I have been assured that one has nothing to do with the other and in all honesty this is probably true. But still, boo on getting a nibble on a job I don't like and no nibble on one I do. It's like it is with men; all the weirdoes want me while the non-weirdoes are unresponsive.

Or maybe it's more that it takes time to find the really right things in life.

I struggled with whether to say anything about the work sitch at all on here, mostly because I was feeling lots of pressure in general to take the job I didn't want. I do believe that security was the word on the tip of most tongues. To which I say security is overrated, and if my life thus far has taught me anything, it's that what is most important is strength in yourself, because this world is all about shifting sands. In fact I might use a yoga analogy, in that having a strong core helps you stay balanced and handle all the tricky maneuvers.

Of course it's important to take care of oneself; I'm not for a wild, no-strings-attached, hippy existence. I'm just saying that, for the most part, security is an illusion and whenever I've felt like I've had it, it turns out I really don't.

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Blogger Thursday said...

I think you have an excellent attitude towards security, truly excellent.

12:08 PM, December 08, 2007

Blogger laura didyk said...

I love your analogy about the job and the being dumped...ah, the human experience. I truly believe that we can have both security and do something we love and that fills us. It just takes a long time to find it...when I find it I'll let you know and invite you along (and vice versa?). I think there is nothing wrong with wanting security (in work and love)...and it's important (for me)...since Maslow's triangle seems to make a shitload of a sense...(although triangles are kind of suspicious as a species...). It's also true, that I'd never sell my soul and go against a gut feeling just for security. Security alone is a very sad town (it shares a county line with Rock Bottom). So I say three cheers for you. Is this too long for a comment on a blog? I am inexperienced as a comment-leaver.

8:59 PM, December 08, 2007

Blogger McPolack said...

Thursday, thank you, and I must tell you I recently re-read Little House on the Prairie and thought of you.

laurad, I don't know that it's possible for you to leave too long a comment as I like reading what you write. I like that you think security is possible...for me that is security in self, and of course I do believe I (and you! and all of us) will learn what I'm supposed to, find love, happiness, fulfillment, but I also want to recognize that my life is now, this moment, right here, and in me what I've seen is a tendency to always strive and never be, so that years will pass and I think "When I have this or do this, then I will be stable/secure/mature/adult/whole." But the this is always one step ahead of me.

How's that for a long comment?

9:42 PM, December 09, 2007


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