Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Poor Me

While I fully acknowledge that I really have no right to feel bad about my life in any way given the way that many others, including people quite close to me, are suffering, right at this moment, I just need to whine for a minute. So feel free not to read on. I just need to get this out.

1. I really really need a haircut. My hair is a frizzy awful mess and I can't remember the last time I cut it but it has been more than a year. I can't afford to get a haircut right now however and I don't know when I am going to be able to.

2. I really need a new pair of glasses. The old pair, purchased at Wal-Mart a few years ago, are all scratched, and were purchased for 50 bucks by having the optician look at my old scratched broken lenses to figure out my prescription. I see blurry sometimes because of all the scratches. This sucks. Can't afford to get new ones though.

3. I haven't had time to do laundry this week so I had to use the mostly broken washing machine in the basement which leaves my clothes soaking wet and doesn't really rinse them. There's no dryer. I'm hoping they don't get too mildewy.

4. Mostly I am whining because I am broke. Broke, broke, broke, broke, broke fucking broke. Again. I'm 33. I have nothing to show for it. Or I should say I have a few trappings like a laptop, a wonderful kitty, a bitchin' Honda Civic with no power anything but damn it runs good, but these were obtained, let's be honest here, with help. Did you know that I saved seventeen thousand dollars from my contracting job at the consulting firm and it is gone now because I had to use it all for living expenses? Fuck me. Of course the flipside of this is that I was capable, in ONE YEAR, of saving that much dough. I'm no crazy spender. At the same time I go to Whole Foods every week because they have good coffee but also their edamame is cheaper than at the Basket.

5. Oh and none of my pants fit well and most of them are stained and ripped as are a lot of my tops. I need new clothes but of course I cannot afford these either.


Listen, I fully realize how much more my life could be in the shitter than it currently is. I am making progress, going to the career counselor, meditating, taking care of myself (trying not to puke at what an entitled spoiled fucking brat that last sentence makes me sound like...) but I just...I guess I wish I felt more reassured that I wasn't going to end up a childless 35 year old in a dead-end job living with housemates trying to scrape by. Honestly I'm really afraid of ending up poor and alone. Like my parents will die and my brother will be off with his family and good life and home and my sister will be doing her vet thing and I'll just be same old fucking McPolack, forever treading water and not getting anywhere.


Thanks for listening!



Blogger Teri said...

Oh honey, I hear you loud and clear. It's a serious drain on your self-esteem when you have no money for basic things like glasses and grooming.

I know because I'm there too. My glasses are bent so they sit crooked on my nose and look ridiculous, and you should see my bras. I've basically been wearing the same three nursing bras since Tessa was born. SHE'S ALMOST TWO, dude. It would be different if I was a B cup and used Woolite. But no.

Hang in there. Don't forget about all your riches: your health, your intelligence, your strong relationships with your sis and friends, your sense of humor, your rich experiences.


8:40 PM, March 13, 2007

Blogger McPolack said...

I count you among my friends and your sense of humor is fab...you made me laugh out loud!

Thanks for that...

9:59 PM, March 13, 2007

Blogger Gil Martinez, RGD said...

You will never die alone. You are far too lovable for that grisly end. And I still think that a top bestseller lies in your future. Just hang in there!

Have you thought of applying for a grant? The Writer´s room in Boston has some available, and I´m sure there are other resources close by.

Love you.


12:49 PM, March 14, 2007

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seventeen thousand dollars? In one year? God, you're good - for that alone never mind all the other fabulous things about you. Hang in there, believe me, things happen when you least expect it, I should know.

3:53 PM, March 14, 2007

Blogger Teri said...

Aw! Right back atcha. Too bad neither of us can afford the gas and tolls to actually meet...

Someday, when our books are published, we will do a joint book tour. We will sit in hip coffeeshop/bookstores wearing impeccably tailored (or deliberately boho) outfits and $500 glasses, drinking espresso and throwing our just-trimmed hair around.

Oh yes we will. ;)

PS I looked at glasses today in Target. Ugh. It's just so hard to part with $200!

6:00 PM, March 14, 2007

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ya know what you need? A good ol shopping trip with me! Never mind that neither of us have money (all my money goes to diapers and daycare) at the very least I can do some of those special dances for ya in the dressing room....you know the ones I'm talking about ;)

Come visit! D can watch Miss S and we'll sneak away for a few hours...well at least until my boobs are about ready to explode with milk and I have to run home to pump.

6:37 PM, March 15, 2007

Blogger McPolack said...

teri, there is no one I would want to toss my just-trimmed hair with more than you...I like your vision for our future! and 200 bucks for glasses even at Target? Damn!

ctale, I know exactly what sort of dance you are talking about and I cannot wait for the day when you do it in front of Miss S. I think you should wait until she is 13 to spring it on her, though.

I am totally up for shopping, lady. I'll call you when I get back from VT.

Also no worries about the breast pump, I'm sure we can figure out how to milk you!

(sorry but I just could not resist...)

9:39 PM, March 15, 2007


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