Monday, September 17, 2007

Out with the old, in with the...old

I haven't blogged about this yet, but my downstairs neighbors - hooray! - moved away. The landlord didn't renew their lease and they were actually shocked. Of course they were FINALLY taking out the trash and in general improving but isn't that the way things go?

Anyhoo, guess who moved in? Why, a blind 91 year old woman! That's right, the oldest lady in my life goes in the ground and sproing! - another one pops up.

I haven't met her yet; she's my landlord's mother and is living here with her daughter. I'm a smidge nervous this is going to turn into a house of no ill repute whatsoever, filled to the brim with spinsters, so I must immediately go find someone to have sex with.



Blogger Teri said...

omg, i laughed out loud at the title.

7:55 PM, September 18, 2007


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