Thursday, July 03, 2008


I settled in to watch some TV tonight at the McPolack homestead and decided to do some work on my tootsies. No sooner had I clipped one toenail off and placed it on a nearby wooden stool when - chomp! - Chauncey the Wonder Corgi gobbled it up.

In other McPolack homestead news, now that Babcia has passed, PolackPappy has taken up gardening again and is growing beets, much like Babcia used to do back on the farm, for pickling and such. He's also growing pole beans and he has a wooden tepee-like construction set up for them to climb up. It looks just like the one in the replica of Thoreau's kitchen garden at the Old Manse. Which is pretty nifty. Pp is quite excited about the pole beans and is fascinated by their upward-reaching tentacles.

Well I'm off to bed. I'm hoping for a break in the jimmy legs episodes I've been having. Lately they've been so bad it takes me an hour to get to sleep.

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Blogger Overmatter said...

I totally caught "restless leg syndrome" as soon as they started running those drug ads about it. My theory is that the "syndrome" is borne of subliminal messages in the drug commercials.

I wish I had restless butt syndrome because then I'd be doing toning exercises in my sleep.

12:01 AM, July 04, 2008

Anonymous Anonymous said...

McPolack, please send me an email urgently! I don't have your email address.

5:31 PM, July 04, 2008


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