Thursday, August 07, 2008


I briefly wondered whether I should boycott this year's Olympics, owing to China's many evildoings but I soon realized that a, what difference would it make and b, the Olympics are pretty much the only time the kind of sports I like are on TV. I've never been a fan of basketball, baseball or hockey and even soccer games bore me. But I love, love, love swimming, track and field, diving, and gymnastics. I'm in it more because I'm fascinated by what real athletes can do with their bodies than I am for thrill of the competition, although that's part of it. And I think solo sports appeal to my loner side.

In other McPolack news, I heard both a cardinal and a red-tailed hawk outside my apartment yesterday, which is pretty neat. Luckily I did not hear a red-tailed hawk eating a cardinal.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

cool, you got some spam. :)

anyhoo, where is the lazy-ass slacker who updates the FOB website?

we need some funny here...


9:44 PM, August 07, 2008

Blogger Teri said...

I am fascinated by athletes as well!

Dancers too.

And i enjoy the human stories of dedication, excellence and triumph.

3:05 AM, August 09, 2008

Blogger McPolack said...

I keep forgetting to nudge the right person, joe...I hope to have something soon!

teri, I like dancers as well. And hope you are well! : )

6:42 PM, August 11, 2008


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