Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The time, it flies faster

Well stick a pop-up timer in my fanny and stuff my body cavity with seasoned bread, I can't believe it's almost Thanksgiving! And me without my pierogi supplies. I was commiserating with L earlier today about how weird the holidays become once you are an unmarried, childless woman of a certain age. Your parents are older, and everyone else is married or has kids of their own. L has it worse than me, though. Her mom is going to Foxwoods for Thanksgiving. I am blessed with being able to, for the 35th (!) time in a row, hang out with my extended McFamily, who I lurve, lurve, lurve, LURVE.

Anyhoo, mildly panicky feelings about spending the rest of my life alone aside, I am excited for Turkey Day, and am exploring new pierogi filling options. Nothing too crazy, mind you; I'm still sticking with potato-and-cheese and then some form of kapusta. But I may go for queso blanco instead of farmers cheese. I think they're pretty much the same thing but I still like the melting pot idea of a Spanish cheese in a Polish dumpling.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just had to Google peirogi and kapusta. Time does indeed seem to fly faster the older you get - I remember reading somewhere why this is, something to do with the fact that when you're younger, you've had less time upon you, therefore time seems longer - almost stretched out. I haven't explained this very well, I know.

1:19 PM, November 19, 2008


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