Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Ah, Crap

I've been sitting here for the past twenty minutes trying to work up some sort of an essay on class, a subject I was discussing with an old friend this weekend. Said old friend mentioned she'd married into a class where you hold weddings at the VFW. I mentioned that one of my family members was marrying into a class where you hold weddings at an oceanfront estate owned by your parents.

But I got nowhere with it and realized I was feeling, first, cranky, second, cranky, and third, really frickin' cranky. Then I remembered that Aunt Flo is coming for a visit soon. Ah, that would explain the reason why the only words pouring forth from my fingers are Piss and Vinegar.

Okay, then.


Blogger McPolack said...

Yay! You're back. VFW stands for Veterans of Foreign Wars. Basically they're these slightly run-down although charming in their own way buildings where the veterans meet to hang out, chat, and drink and also hold meetings. The halls are available for rent to the public at which you'd think would be a cheap rate but is in fact expensive.

Here's a link to one:

(I think you have to copy and paste)

Don't worry about being a Brit. I forgive you.

: )

6:22 PM, May 23, 2006


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