Thursday, August 17, 2006

Mmm, Macgyver

Quick post here. I'm in VT, heading to Montreal tomorrow and while I could post about the interesting things that have happened to me over the last couple of days I want to hang out with my sister and also make fun of her.

She and I shared that during all those Macgyver episodes we watched in the '80s, we both had a secret crush on him. So she got Season One on DVD for us to watch, on Tuesday, and she's already watched the whole thing.


Of course she is making fun of Macgyver, just like we used to do when he was on TV for real, but I know she wants him to be her handy boyfriend.

BTW, I highly recommend the episode where he drives a car out the back of a plane while wearing a dorky-ass Speed Racer helmet but no seatbelt.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

picture patti and selma

2:25 PM, August 18, 2006


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