Here's poor, poor Tess, all suited up in the hottest doggie fashion, a pink down-filled fur-trimmed hoodie parka from the fancy Polka Dog bakery in the tres chic South End. Now Tess is a coonhound and lived in a barn in Vermont for five years. This was her first trip to the big city. She even rode on the train! Doesn't she look pretty?
She looks mightily pissed off in my opinion.
5:29 AM, January 11, 2007
She does look slightly annoyed, but that is pretty friggin funny!
8:15 AM, January 11, 2007
OK, OK, yes, she looks some other things (such as annoyed and mad and irritated and...)
but doesn't she also look pretty?
8:18 AM, January 11, 2007
omg that is so cute! i want a pink down coat!
Funny - I just heard The MTA Song this morning on the XM FolkNerd station:
But did Tess ever return?
no she never returned
and her fate is still unlearned
she may ride forever
on the streets of Boston
she's the hound who never returned...
9:25 AM, January 11, 2007
Yes dear..she also looks very pretty! :)
8:16 AM, January 12, 2007
Thank you.
: )
10:16 AM, January 12, 2007
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