In other news, Dr. Moo came up this weekend with her swell dog Tess the Wonder Hound. One of our many adventures was a trip to a quasi-singles event at the local art museum, where poor, poor Moo was hit on by a skeevy guy old enough to be our father. This normally happens to me but for whatever reason this time it was all about Moo. I believe his pickup line, directed at her shirt, was "Is that satin?"
I wanted to kill him. But Moo can take care of herself and did so by telling him, after she'd gotten away from him once and then turned around to find him trying to talk to her again, "I don't want to talk to you anymore."
Meanwhile I somehow managed, with gentle prodding from L, to actually approach, chat up, and get the phone number and e-mail address of an intelligent, attractive, gainfully employed man. I do not know from whence this wellspring of ballsiness came but I like it.
Yay for ballsiness McPolack!
6:32 AM, January 09, 2007
"Is that satin?" - what a geezer line!!!
12:44 PM, January 09, 2007
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