Say It
I know I haven't said much about the book lately and it's because I haven't been doing much with the book lately and it shames me. Because I have so much to say. I just can't seem to pick what to say something about. Do I talk more about my love of open spaces, solitude, nature? Where in my book fits the story, still vivid in my mind, of finding the family kitty Devil laying stiff on the path to the stream in back of the house I grew up in. Winter was barely yielding to spring, you could feel it beneath your feet. I ran inside and told my mother the cat was cold. I can still seem him laying there on his side in the tall grass across from the wild raspberries.
I poked his body with a yellow plastic bat, the kind you use for Wiffle ball. I kept that bat under a doll crib in my bedroom for a long time after that because I felt like if I didn't it would mean Devil's life hadn't mattered somehow or that he wasn't loved anymore and even though he was dead I didn't want to hurt him or make him feel cold and alone.
Ah, me.
Just that little vignette was so touching, so perfect. It made me well up. Have you thought about writing a memoir of sorts? The story of a 30-something New England woman who loves open spaces, solitude, animals? You could write about the different places in NE you've lived, and the jobs you've had. You could do additional field research. You could write about your family, your traditions, Babcia. everything you write about here. You don't have to come up with a story, you are living one. and you have faithful readers.
One of the things that stops me from Writing a Book is that I can't come up with an idea that I believe is marketable. Having been an enthusiastic reader of yours now for over a year, I suspect you could write about anything meaningful to you and it would fly on the quality of writing alone. You're a really fine storyteller, my friend. and you have a lot of really fine stories to tell. You really have a gift. Run with it!
P.S. You are 30-something, right? How embarrassing if not.
10:47 PM, January 03, 2007
I am a thirty-something and thank you so much for your note and your support. I do just need to go with the flow and not judge myself. And don't sell yourself short on your writing abilities. There are reasons why I read your stuff and it's not just because Tessa is so cute!
8:06 AM, January 04, 2007
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