Tuesday, December 26, 2006

We're needy

Note the position of Tess the Wonder Hound and Sir Chauncey, Corgi Extraordinaire. They're both rescue doggies and they like nothing more than laying across you and being scratched and patted so that they can forget their twin terrible pasts.



Blogger Teri said...

had to laugh...i can't take 2 steps in my house either before my black tights are covered with dog fur...

is that dr. moo with you? she looks different in every picture.

8:10 PM, December 27, 2006

Blogger McPolack said...

That is the chameleon Dr. Moo. She's got naturally curly hair and sometimes she straightens it and I also can't remember if I have posted a picture yet where she's all gussied up and has the cow poo removed from beneath her fingernails.

10:04 PM, December 27, 2006

Blogger Nonsequitur said...

I've a siamese X ??? cross cat and she is the same way... She was severely tweaked in the head when I first got her... hand-shy, reacted with terror at sudden movements or unexpected noises, used to be really standoffish & paranoid of people, but now once she warms up to you, she won't leave you alone and goes through all sorts of attention-seeking antics.

10:13 AM, January 01, 2007

Blogger McPolack said...

Good for you for saving a troubled kitty! Even if it means she spends her days finding new ways to never let you ought of her sight...

9:18 PM, January 01, 2007


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