Tuesday, December 19, 2006

The Long Walk Home

This afternoon upon leaving the transcription office I realized I just didn't feel like the gym, or a run, or yoga, but that I still needed to do something so I decided I would walk home from Downtown Crossing. Now Mapquest says the shortest route is 5 and three-quarter miles but that involves taking Route 28.

I ended up walking through the park, up Charles Street, and crossing the Longfellow bridge, where I saw these nifty carvings, which you don't really notice unless you are walking across on foot.

From there I skirted the river to the Mass Ave bridge, known for being measured in Smoots. Then I walked up Mass Ave, past the storage building where I was given once given a ride on a pallet mover by the wealthy Russian boyfriend of a friend of mine who I impressed by shoving a Swedish fish up my nose and then pulling it out and eating it.

I strolled through Central Square and stopped for coffee, half decaf as I am trying to cut back, and a pee. Then I got a Christmas present at Bowl and Board and, in Harvard Square, debated about whether or not to check out the remainders at the Harvard Book Store, and ended up picking up The Partly Cloudy Patriot for five dollars.

I wish I could say I walked on from there but I've done the trek from Harvard to Davis mannnnny times and I run it three days a week. So I hopped on the train and rolled into Chateau McPolack at 5 pm. And now I'm eating mangoes and getting ready to wrap gifts.

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Blogger Teri said...

I so envy your appetite for exercise.

7:59 PM, December 19, 2006

Blogger Teri said...

And yes! Bowl and Board: I once visited the Martha's Vineyard location.

8:01 PM, December 19, 2006

Blogger McPolack said...

Just remember that it comes complete with an appetite for booze, cigarettes, bulimia, and self-destruction. Or it grew in response to that. That being said, you could totally do it. It's all about the baby steps.

I first came to know BnB on the Vineyard when I lived there as a college student. Alas I was too poor to ever make a purchase.

5:40 PM, December 20, 2006


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