Tuesday, January 30, 2007


...would be the word in the center of a red sparkly circle on the long-sleeved onesie I bought this wee girlie for Christmas. Meet Ella, OSB's daughter. She just turned one and she is one of my favorite babies ever.

For one thing, she likes to hold her toys between her teeth and then shakethembackandforth like a rabid puppy. Hee hee! And during one of her visits to my apartment she stood across my coffee table from me while I picked pieces of cheese of a block of dill havarti and fed them to her. When I stopped for a minute she banged one of her tiny fists on the table and looked me right in the eye. I kid you not, I felt like I was a bartender and she was pounding shots. Too funny.

Anyhoo, I am looking forward to see what sort of a teenager this one becomes!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Golly, she's some gal!

5:45 AM, January 31, 2007


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