Thursday, March 15, 2007

Howdy Peeps!

So the last couple of days I've been getting all kinds of support and I felt really not alone in a way I haven't felt before and I wanted to say thank you for that, to everyone. Today has been a bit of a stinker; I just couldn't get my shit together and accomplish what I wanted and couldn't yesterday either. Just had a lot of ADD-behavior -- zipping around the Internet,up and down in my chair, depressed, cranky, pissed at myself -- trying and failing and trying again to just. be. a grownup.

There's snow a-comin' tomorrow which is part of what threw me off -- L is joining me for a visit to Dr. Moo and in order to miss the storm we need to leave first thing in the a.m. which means I had to reschedule my career counseling to next week. I'm feeling a lot of urgency around figuring that part of my life out and being financially solvent so I didn't really want to do that. Also I need to meditate which I suppose I can go do right now. Keeping up with the spiritual work is sometimes hard for me. I prefer to blather on about it here, not do it enough, and then whine about it afterwards.

Any-HOO, in other McP news, I attended a stem cell forum at Hahhhhhhhhhhvahd last night and damn was the Muslim (there was a Muslim, a conservative christian, a ucc christian, and a conservative Jewish person which sounds like the setup for a bad joke) who spoke f-i-n-e. There was also some hotness up in the back corner of the room. Of course I was not there (solely) to check out men. I was also interested in the issue. And I've got something to say about it but it'll have to wait until later.



Blogger Amy Traverso said...

I have faith that you're moving ahead. It's just that we have to revisit the old crap to really master it. xoxo

10:34 AM, March 16, 2007

Blogger Teri said...

Did you remember that yesterday was the Ides of March? Ugh. We had the worst day too...scheduling nightmares, cold rain, hella cranky baby, the works.

Have you heard Eckhart Tolle's Findhorn Retreat? I have it on CD and it really grounds me. I think you would dig it. I know what you mean about the spiritual work, but it hardly feels like work to throw these discs on in the car or at home when you're feeling restless.


12:28 PM, March 16, 2007

Blogger Teri said...

Also, when things don't go my way, I try to remember that when one door closes, another opens. Last night the hubby got stuck at work so we had to cancel (and be charged for, of course, grr) our counseling session. But instead, I got to have dinner with my sister, which NEVER happens because she's always busy, rarely without her man and he happened to have poker night last night.

Plus, I found good (Rocket Dog) flip-flops for $19.99!

12:31 PM, March 16, 2007

Blogger McPolack said...

amy, thank you, I hope you are doing well and can't wait for you to come back East...teri, thank you again for your swell-ness and I'm jealous of your flip-flops and I will look for the Eckhart T.

thank you both...

and I did in fact manage to clean the kitty pan, do good packing, and a bunch of other stuff, which on the bright side is far far better than eating a bunch of carbs and going to bed in the middle of the day.

3:25 PM, March 18, 2007


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