Wednesday, April 18, 2007

You Say Tomato, I Say Go F#%* Yourself

Ah, sweet Aunt Flo...

About a week or so before she is due for a visit I have bouts of searing irritability and barely contained crankiness. Let us take today for example: On my lunch break from the transcription office on the way back from paying for a small cup of coffee partly from the nearly-empty change basket in my kitchen, I am approached by someone in a black fleece jacket. She says ma'am to me or some such thing and starts following me.

I snarl at her, "What do you want?" She throws her hands back and explains she is from Save the Children. Well we'll see about that, but I do give her a bit of time and apologize for being initially nasty.

Then later I get on the train and, sweet Jesus, I find a seat. Unfortunately it is in front of some pockmarked freako who keeps swinging his crotch forward and backward, ever closer to my face. I hold my crossword puzzle daybook in between me and his junk but spend half my time thinking expletive).

Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Then I get home and can only locate one library book. I go to the library and a middle-school aged girl, clearly an idiot, darts into traffic, gets honked at, and tries to shove her way past me to get in the door. I see her coming and block it with my Polish ass so that the entitled Cambridge leftie brat has to wait her turn.



Blogger Teri said...

OMG...I am cracking the fuck up. We are kindred, you and I.

10:31 PM, April 18, 2007


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