Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Hunky Monkey

Hearts were a-flutter at the transcription office today. It was the first day for Ben (not his real name), a tall, strapping, lad who's taking pre-med classes. After he left, the boss came in and said "I like it when we get big boys in here." I shared with her his plans to become a doctor and asked how old he was. "oo, I have his driver's license," she said. So she went and checked.

Alas, he is 23. And though she and I crowed about him to the more age appropriate girls in the office, they didn't seem as interested as we were. One of my coworkers said I don't look 10 years older than him, and she'd never tell, but let's be honest: 23 is just too unformed.

On the online dating front, that guy never wrote back to me. But he did change his profile, which included cutting his list of interests down to included only "beauty."


In other McPolack news, I feel a wee bit barfy and really don't want to go out but I am instead taking the f'ing bus to visit friends. It's important to be social. Even if all you want to do is lay in bed and eat salty things.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I started college, my freshman year roommate's self-description in the meet book included the interests of "skiing, women."

Slightly more pompous than beauty. But only slightly.

6:49 PM, April 11, 2007

Anonymous Anonymous said...

"included cutting his list of interests down to include only ‘beauty.’"

he should have just went for "myself". what a fuck.

and what, your 32 (wink) 23, 32, what's the diff...?

hang in there mcp.

(inster poster of kitten)

11:04 PM, April 11, 2007

Anonymous Anonymous said...

dear god, you're not your. sorry. teh internets pwned me.

11:05 PM, April 11, 2007


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