Wednesday, April 04, 2007


Well I've got a Boston Public Library card and I have to say, I'm pretty excited about that. They've got great big stone lions in there! And non-scary bathrooms! And cranky middle-aged female librarians! And helpful young (not marriage material, Mcmumsy) male ones!

Oh, and they have books -- lots of 'em.

I spent about an hour in the reference area copying information out of a book on writing -- got a fairly decent list of professional organizations, plus a formula for calculating how much you should charge per hour, plus a suggested range of hourly charges. Then I checked out their John Adams exhibit -- they have his whole library there, behind glass, along with an exhibition. My favorite parts were a smattering of leaves someone had pressed between the pages of one of the books years ago, as in hundreds of years ago, and a book on slug worms -- neat! I do like how committed Adams was to reading, as I come from a family of readers myself.

And if you're wondering about my latest Internet honey, well, he updated his profile but didn't write to me. Which sounds like outlook not good to me. Which is a pissa for him because after I went to the BPL I went to Anthropologie and tried some cute shirts on and damn, am I fine.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, it's like fishing. he's got to swim around the bait a while before taking it.

8:43 PM, April 04, 2007


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