Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Fluffy Hair

Ah, sweet freedom...

I just got my hair cut for the first time in more than a v.v. happy to have gotten it done. I'm also excited because I found a wacky-ass little salon to get my hair done in. It was 60 bucks (mainly contributed by the Easter bunny, aka McMumsy, thank you!), all told (including tip) for a haircut, a chance to sit with a smallish furry doggie in my lap, converse with the apprentice about her "menstrual thing," her acting career, her sweet landlady with the eight feral cats, and her canker sore, meet a swell lady getting married for the first time at 57, and chat with the proprietress, who gave me an "upside down" haircut and complimented me on the upkeep of myself once I told her I was 33.

The apprentice even shampooed my hair the way Sharon, my hairdresser when I was a tween and teen, used to do it, with a nice kneading massage. Only this woman wasn't smoking a cigarette at the same time. Seriously, Sharon was a piece of work. She'd be setting your hair with perm solution with one hand and drawing deep on on a Newport with the other. I was always afraid she was going to accidentally set me on fire.

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