Tuesday, March 27, 2007


So, so, SO many people have said to me "You will meet the one you love when you least expect it." Well they don't have McMumsy breathing down their necks and asking about EVERY man you mention (like the press secretary to the Maine Speaker of the House who you talked to for a story) "Is he single?"

I just don't know how to stop expecting it. And I mean, I work it. Here is a short list of my man-catching behaviors:

1. When I buy the papers on Sunday I get them before I buy my scone and I carry them rather than putting them in a bag and always make sure the New York Times is on top so as to catch a smart man.

2. On the train I like to do the crossword puzzles in my NY Times crossword puzzle calendar not only in pen, but in the freebie pen I got from the Harvard Stem Cell Institute. That's THREE impressive things, people: I do the hardest crossword puzzle IN THE WORLD, in PEN, and that pen is from HARVARD.

3. Before going out for a jog, I brush my teeth and put on lip gloss. Because you never know who's looking. No, I am not kidding. As I type I am enjoying both fresh breath and soft lips...

and now I am off for my jog!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe they think you're a patient at the Stem Cell Institute rather than a doctor?

Just thinking out loud. Ignore me.


6:00 PM, March 27, 2007

Blogger McPolack said...

It's either that or the fact that I am just so devastatingly beautiful and smart that the mens find me intimidating and lose the ability to speak at the very sight of me..

7:28 PM, March 28, 2007

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Crap. That's what I meant.

7:47 PM, March 28, 2007

Blogger McPolack said...

I thought so.


7:53 PM, March 28, 2007


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