Wednesday, May 16, 2007


So I'm back from the meet and greet with Architect No. 2. I'm really trying to go about this process differently than I did the last time, and also to turn off, or at least turn down, my judgy-wudgy meter. I'm also realizing more and more just how shut off I am in terms of letting any man anywhere near me in a romantic sense. I did think this man was attractive, at times, but I just could not let him in, you know? I couldn't give him any sense of flirtation, at all. It's embarrassing, really. I'm like a stereotype, afraid to let love in. Blecccch.

Oh, I don't know. He is very cerebral, and I noticed we both like to talk a lot about ourselves although we did get into a lot of deeper discussions on things...he is an atheist...I paid for my own dinner but then I announced he didn't have to pay beforehand...he said he found me "curious" at the end of the night and patted my arm but again I wasn't letting him anywhere near me...finally, he did not walk me across the street to my T stop or see me safely on the train, and granted it was just across the street in a public place and I just don't know the rules for internet dating, you know?

So...I will see him again, and we will see what happens.



Blogger Overmatter said...

You ARE curious. At least he's an observant architect. And I don't think you pat an arm unless you find the arm appealing. He should have paid, though. Except some women yell at men who pay, so maybe he was afraid he'd offend you if he paid.

12:37 AM, May 17, 2007

Blogger Teri said...

Hm. If you met the right man and your gut told you to let your guard down and flirt and unfold, I think you just might. I'm not convinced that it's just the way you are.

Anyway...he sounds worth a second date. :)

I would deduct points for the not paying and the not walking you to your T stop. Personally.

8:18 AM, May 17, 2007

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i don't know... feels like i am watching sex in the city.

9:30 AM, May 17, 2007

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think watch this space is the order of the day.

12:16 PM, May 17, 2007

Blogger McPolack said...

Well I will say that he e-mailed me TWICE last night and asked me out for this still mulling...

12:29 PM, May 17, 2007

Anonymous Anonymous said...

second date - definitely! we don't always show our best sides on a first date - he might be a second date kinda guy. Keep in mind I fell in love with one of my ex's after time not straight away....granted he is an ex now so that's saying something...but love can creep creep creep up on you!

8:12 AM, May 18, 2007


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