Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Oh how I want this to be a post about underpants if only to live up to the title.

But it's not about underpants.

It's about briefs.

As in, the middlepersons liked my pricing and pitch (phew, as I felt like I didn't prepare enough for it) and now I am to write up a proposal for said foreign government. I think I could have gotten more money had I asked but honestly it felt like a fair price to me and I'm not about ripping people off, or even squeezing them in the slightest. I like for things to be fair. It's the Libra in me.

On the man front, ODMWCMH (as in older doctor man who called me hot) sent his phone number and said I should call to set up a time for meeting for coffee. I'm trying to figure out how to call him without having my name and number show up on his caller ID. Dr. Moo said I should call him from a pay phone. I countered with calling him collect from a pay phone.

Finally the Daphs had her yearly checkup today and I am pleased to report she is fit as a fiddle. And she stopped crying, mostly, if I carried her around in the examining room, and told her she was a good bunny.

It's nice to know I can make someone (well, some kitty) feel safe.



Blogger Overmatter said...

ODMWCMH needs a catchier name, I think. Also, I think you can block caller ID if you dial *67? I've never tried it, though.

12:45 AM, June 13, 2007

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree about the catchier name. No idea on the ID blocking given that I'm from Blighty. Well done on the pitch and price - I loathe that sort of thing, convinced that I'll be laughed out the door.

12:01 PM, June 13, 2007


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