Wednesday, August 10, 2005



It’s deadline time again so I’ll be brief.

Going to Portsmouth again this weekend to visit some friends. On our last trip together one friend took a photo of my ass with her cell phone as I was bent over trying to get into a pair of pants. I will not make the mistake of being around her while my buns are out twice.

On Sunday I may head to Peterborough for medal day at the MacDowell Colony. MacDowell is like a happy farm for artists. They hide out in the woods and create things of all sorts. I used to jog the boundaries of their land, and sometimes you’d see an artist or two, just a glimpse, through the trees. They’re like deer. I’ve been to medal day once before; they were honoring a choreographer named Merce Cunningham, I think. And this lady came on with red hair all done up in tiny braids and she sang a weird-ass song. But everyone was highfalutin’ and pretended like it was the most wonderful thing they’d ever heard. Um, it wasn’t. It wasn’t high art. It was just kind of, well, stupid. It was an Emperor’s New Clothes moment if I ever saw one.

But you got to meet the artists and I had some interesting conversations with writers, saw a documentary film, and some other neato stuff. Also I ate a lot of cheese. So overall it was a great day.


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