Thursday, September 08, 2005


In ten minutes I leave to go to my free appointment with a personal trainer. At this appointment I will discover:

1. How much I weigh
2. How much of me is fat vs. muscle
3. My metabolic rate
4. How "in shape" I actually am

Mind you, I don't really want to know any of these things. I'm fit enough to run 6 or 7 miles at a clip and I have a big fat ass too, thank you very much. But I tend to enjoy living in a dream world rather than reality and it's good practice to recognize the latter.

The other reality I face today is a hair appointment. Two haircuts ago I spent ten bucks at Wal-mart to get my hair cut while my Babcia was in the next chair over getting her wash and set. I hid my hair under a hat for more than a week. My mother took me to the beach and bought me lobster salad at Ray's to coax me out from beneath my headwear, and then laughed so hard when she saw my haircut that she spit food out of her mouth. She told me I looked like I escaped from Bellevue.

The next time around I spent 150 bucks on cut, color, and highlights. It looked mildly better but not 15o bucks better. At least it did not look like the hair of a friend of mine, who described the el-cheapo Supercuts cut he got as looking like he fell asleep and a horse nibbled on his hair.

So it's a day for facing reality for moi. And face it I will.

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Blogger Gil Martinez, RGD said...

Fat-assed or not, bad-haired or not, you're always gorgeous. And smart. And funny.

9:35 AM, September 08, 2005

Blogger McPolack said...

Thanks, baby! And you're hot stuff yourself!

11:02 AM, September 08, 2005


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