Friday, April 20, 2007


Victory is mine!

I FINALLLY figured out how to make the Cuisinart I got for five bucks (it's missing the plunger thingie) work. I have been lugging it around for three years, dusting it off occasionally and plugging it in, only to find it still won't turn on.

Well tonight I came home with basil from the Market Basket, intending to make fresh pesto to go with the ravioli PolackPappy shared with me a few weeks ago. I assembled the ingredients in the cup for my handheld mixer...and realized I'd left the mixer itself at my parent's.

Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, I thought.

But then, oh ho, I decided to give the old Cusinart another try. Turns out you need to line up this white spring-loaded plunger thingy on the bottom of the bowl with a wee brown button on the base, and THEN you ALSO must line up a part if the lid with the plunger thingy.

Well color me excited. Now I can grind almonds for tarts! Along with lots of other things! When my brother and his wife come for dinner next week we just may eat pureed everything, sucked up with a straw!

Ok, probably not. But still -- !!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Homemade pesto is the dogs bollocks (British for bloody marvellous).

2:22 PM, April 21, 2007


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