Thursday, May 17, 2007


So no more man updates save that he may or may not be adopting a pair of kitties on Saturday and that I am going to stop sniffing around for ways in which he is the Chickenfucker because he is not the Chickenfucker.

In other McPolack news, I am just a busy little bee buzzing from flower to flower. I have been doing a lot of career-y type stuff, organizing contacts and researching, and getting ever closer to my ideal job, and even had a friend forward me a really decent-sounding opportunity that I am going to investigate further. On the yoga front, I am still chicken about forearm stand but I definitely am more flexible every week. And on the social life front, I am off to NH tomorrow to hang out with my parents and Dr. Moo and then she's coming to MA on Saturday for further hanging out and then it will be Sunday afternoon looking at art with the architect.

Oh and I am transcribing a wack-ass Finnish man who used to run a large telecom company. He stutters and bangs on his desk and says yah a lot. And he's being interviewed by two other Finnish guys so at one point the transcription looked like this:

A: Yah.
Q: Yah.
Q: Yah.
A: Yah.

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Blogger Overmatter said...

Ooh, was it Jorma Olililililla? I olololoved him.

1:02 AM, May 19, 2007

Blogger McPolack said...

dingdingdingding! He is olololololovely.

8:32 AM, May 19, 2007

Blogger McPolack said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

8:32 AM, May 19, 2007


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