Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Wardrobe Malfunction

I think I shocked the good people of Cambridge today. I went out at noon for a run. It was warm out. I don't think anyone else got the message though because I, in my blue shorts and tank top, Sheena strapped for the first time ever to my bare upper left arm, felt like a honking big naked white rhinocerous for all the looks I got from people clothed head-to-toe.

Despite feeling a little nude, I ran with confidence. I reminded myself of a recent clothing scrape. On Christmas Eve I sat near the feet of both happy newborn baby Jesus and sad, stabby crucified Jesus wearing an extremely low-cut dress. I forgot to bring the shirt I wear underneath it when I want to keep my lights under a bushel basket. It was high beams all the way. McMumsy gave a disdainful look at the bosoms I - hello! - inherited genetically from her side of the family and I said to her "Jesus doesn't care. He's just glad I'm here."

I did feel a little Mary Magdalene when I went up for Communion.

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