Friday, December 28, 2007

The soothing sounds of Christmas...

...include Dr. Moo relaying the Unitarian Christmas service her bf had attended. First someone told the story of Jesus' birth from the point of view of the ox. Then someone told it from Mary's POV, to wit: "I felt the Christ child slide, moist and steamy, out from between my legs."

...and the requisite wacky uncle who, when we were discussing good and bad baby names, said not to go with Mabel. When asked why, he said "Hey there, Mabel, get off the table. That two dollars is for beer."

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Blogger Teri said...

OMG. Moist and steamy Christ child.

That keeps tugging at my Catholic, no-laughing-in-church funny bone!

5:59 AM, December 29, 2007


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