Tuesday, June 03, 2008


One of the benefits of a good long hike is that you can eat a lot of tasty treats. I'd packed a few for Moo and I's trip but unfortunately, due to time and budgetary constraints, not as many as I'd liked. We brought:

peanut-butter filled pretzels
cheddar cheese
pb & honey sandwiches
beans and rice
trail mix
dried fruit
energy bars
homemade cookies
instant coffee
canned coffee

I had such dreams of a warm dinner followed by a warm breakfast cooked on Moo's fancypants stove.

Those dreams went unrealized. We took nary a meal break, save half an hour at the hut where we ate cheese and Moo bought a postcard. Mostly it was five to ten to 15 minute stops here and there to adjust our packs, shove some trail mix in our mouths, swig some water, and move on. It was interesting to see how fast you burned through the fuel; I was reminded of a documentary I watched on a couple who followed some migrating caribou. They ended up losing weight because it was impossible for them to carry enough food to compensate for calories burned.

But never fear, dear readers! This was not the case with me. I began the all-important calorie replacement process 15 minutes after I walked out of the woods, tossing back a glazed doughnut and six McNuggets.


Blogger Heidi said...

where did you end up going?

7:42 PM, June 03, 2008

Blogger McPolack said...

We did the bonds but came up Garfield/Garfield Ridge/Twinway/Bondcliff and went down Bondcliff/Wildnerness/Lincoln Woods.

11:16 AM, June 04, 2008

Anonymous Anonymous said...

what fancy-pants stove does moo have?

i am a stove junky for mc camping trips and have too many already.

10:01 PM, June 04, 2008

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Rants and I did that same hike (middle of the night rain and all), so I feel your pain! We went to Guyot camp and it was full. We ended up camping along the ridge somewhere tucked away off the trail. The day after we got back, I had to call in sick to work I was so sore.

The best part was hiking to west bond and watching the sun set. The view is so unique in the whites.
Mrs. Rants

10:51 AM, June 05, 2008

Blogger McPolack said...

That is certainly a hike to test your love! I'm jealous you got to see the sun set on West Bond. Moo and I were not so lucky, but we did have beautiful views on North Twin.

bitter joe, I will ask my sis about the stove and get back to you. Just remember, fire bad!

3:29 PM, June 05, 2008


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