Monday, July 14, 2008

Odds and Ends

* Finally watched Into the Wild this weekend. Despite knowing how it ends, I cried and cried. Sobbed, really. I blame Hal Holbrook, who very convincingly played a poor wounded old man and broke my heart a little. Then as I was snuffling back my tears I heard a weird whirring sound up in the sky. I looked out my living-room window and there, moving like a windup toy across the night sky, was the Hood blimp. It has an eerie glow to it.

* I got up into forearm stand all by myself in yoga class on Sunday morning.

* I awoke this morning to find a pretty orange orb-weaver spider sitting in the middle of a beautiful web near one of my bedroom windows. I said good morning to the spider, then went to move Daphne Moon's scratchy box out of the way. Turns out the web was partly anchored to the scratchy box. I apologized to the spider.

* Dr. Moo is going to be showing a six-month-old brown Holstein named Carnation at Addison County Field Days in early August. When she first introduced Carnation to the halter, Carnation, who is already a healthy 400 pounds, sat down and refused to get up again.

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Blogger Heidi said...

i haven't seen the movie...did HH play the old man that wanted to adopt Chris for his son and then waited out in the desert for him to return? that is the only part in the book that made me cry.

7:07 PM, July 14, 2008

Blogger McPolack said...

It was the old man. For me he was a big reason behing the tears but overall I found the whole story tragic and incredibly sad. I don't think McCandless was the next Thoreau but I also don't think he was a complete idiot/jerk/what have you. He seemed mentally ill to me, along with overly sensitive and with the giant ego typically of guys that age. His family seemed ill-equipped to deal with all that. I've felt the sort of wanderlust and love for nature he feels and I can see where people fall off the path so it was hard for me to dismiss him. But I do think his death was senseless and a waste, and that he did some stupid, arrogant things that ultimately hurt, deeply, a lot of people.

It's quite the story.

8:33 AM, July 15, 2008


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