Monday, April 06, 2009

Critter Crossings

Had another tiring day and not feeling peppy enough to give the visit from the tooth fairies justice. Instead I give you this.

I used to get picked on when I worked in the Monadnock region at a place where we'd go for long walks at lunch every day, walks on which I would help whatever critters I found in the middle of the road get to the whatever side of the road I thought they were trying to get to. Sometimes I would get peed on, but I didn't mind. I'd help snakes, turtles, frogs, salamanders, and even earthworms. I drew the line at slugs, but it hurt my heart a little.

My response to the snarky comments made by my walking companions was that if I ever got hit by a car and was laying in the middle of the road and couldn't move, a whole team of snakes, worms, turtles, frogs and salamanders would pick me up and move me to safety.


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