Thursday, December 31, 2009

I see the moon and the moon sees me

Caught a glimpse of the haloed blue moon while bussing it from South Station to Concord this evening. Can I say how glad I am this decade will be over in less than an hour and a half? Why of course I can!

I am SO glad this decade will be over in less than an hour and a half. Don't let the door hit you on the ass on your way out, two-thousand-and-oughts, you with your 9/11 and your war and your bad, bad, bad Bush and your stinkin' economy and the end of my youth. Thblpppppttt!

Aaaaaaaaaaaah. I feel better now. I will probably be up to ring in the new decade old-school, as I am at the McPolack homestead. Tomorrow we pick up auntie P and caravan it north to Dr. Moo's wedding. Quite a fine way to start off on the right foot for the next ten years of this incarnation.

Happy new year!


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