Thursday, September 08, 2005

Oh, godDAMNit!

Reality bites. Turns out I weigh 10 pounds more than I thought (I am 173 pounds at 5'6" tall, which makes me a wee bit overweight, although a lot of that IS muscle) and on the "very high" slot in the body fat percentage chart, which means I have more body fat than is healthy -- which sucks. But which I think I kind of expected. I am a little jigglier than usual, although my pants still fit.

Anyhoo, a lovely young lady named Pella kicked my ass today and offered to kick it 16 more times for 800 bucks, helping me to get stronger and less fat in the process. And I am seriously considering doing it, as an early birthday present to myself, because I want to be healthy and I would love to be fit.

This unfortunately would mean giving up pasta after 5 pm. Those who know me know my favorite dinner is a monstrous bowl of cheese ravioli with pesto at 8 sharp.



Blogger Gil Martinez, RGD said...

I'm looking forward to McPolack Barbie hitting the shelves this December.

3:38 PM, September 08, 2005

Blogger Amy Traverso said...

Hey, i just saw you and you looked fabulous. Better than ever.

3:08 PM, September 12, 2005

Blogger McPolack said...

You know amy, I DO look good...I think I just have a humongous peasant frame. I'm nice and strong!

9:37 PM, September 12, 2005

Blogger McPolack said...

You know amy, I DO look good...I think I just have a humongous peasant frame. I'm nice and strong!

9:37 PM, September 12, 2005


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