Thursday, March 16, 2006

Driving Lessons

L asked recently if either our German friend or I would teach her how to drive stick. After worrying about what might happen to my clutch in the hands of a neophyte I thought "Bah! What kind of friend am I" and enthusiastically responded with an offer to train her.

No offer was forthcoming from the other party and, when I really thought about it, I started to get nervous about my car again. As I am wont to do whenever this feeling occurs, I called Polackpappy. "What's wrong with your car?" he asked. I explained the situation and asked him to assess potential damage. He then said "Well, why don't you bring her out here in a couple of weeks and we'll teach her on the tractor?"

"Is a tractor like a car?" I asked Pp.

"Well, sure," he responded.

"Okay," I said. And thought. I've actually never driven a tractor myself, save the ride-on mower, which shifts only from turtle to bunny, and I wouldn't consider it that similar of an experience to the clutch on my bitchin' Honda Civic but I'm willing to give Pp the benefit of the doubt. Especially if it means driving the big blue tractor parked next to the three-car garage Pp had built to hold all of his shite all over the bumpy, hilly lawn of the McPolack homestead.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh, you'll want to bring a camera with your for this...

11:57 PM, March 16, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought that there was a big difference between driving a tractor and a car. A tractor starts in whatever gear the driver chooses, and the driver rarely changes in motion. I can't start my car in third, so I think there might be a little bit of difference. Personally, I have broken a tractor bad enough for the unfortunate farmer to have to buy a new one, so be careful.

9:24 AM, March 17, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You could try and find a car rental place that has standards in thier inventory. Have L rent one some weekend, but don't forget to tell her to take out the extra insurance.

10:09 AM, March 17, 2006

Blogger McPolack said...

All good ideas. Unfortunately, sir loins, I don't have a camera, although L does. Anon, I hear you on the tractor thing but I still think I may bring L out to visit and drive it anyway because Pp would really enjoy it.

10:30 AM, March 17, 2006

Blogger Unknown said...

I'd say let Pp show her on the tractor.. learning to drive a stick is like learning how to drive again.. and honestly, as nice of a friend that you are, you don't need to get a new clutch at the end of it. If she can drive the tractor, she'll be able to handle any stick that comes her way! And man, that sounds fun!!

12:32 PM, March 17, 2006


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