Monday, March 20, 2006

R.I.P., Wendell Jones

Wendy McPolack, aka Smelvis, aka Smels Olsen, went to dog heaven today at the age of 13. She had to be put to sleep because her lungs were riddled with cancer. Apparently so much cancer that the vet was "surprised she ate breakfast." Ah, but he did not know the eating wonder that was our wee Welsh corgi. There was nary a calorie on the McPolack homestead floor that escaped her snuffling beak. She also held a weird sway over the kitties in the household; they used to rub up against her and clean out her eye boogers on a regular basis. She was also a rampant poop eater, gobbling up both her own poos and those of others. But this was just part of her charm. She was a wonderful, wonderful little doggie who I truly loved, and I will miss her.



Blogger Amy Traverso said...

Aw, poor McPuppy, and poor McPolacks. It's such a sad loss, and my condolences go out to all of you.

6:52 PM, March 20, 2006

Blogger Teri said...

Aw! I'm so, so sorry.

7:10 AM, March 21, 2006

Blogger Unknown said...

Oh, I'm sorry.. :(

6:46 PM, March 21, 2006


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