Tuesday, February 20, 2007


Went for my first run in a week today. What with the storm and the inches-thick ice all over the place I just didn't want to risk sliding under the wheels of an oncoming SUV piloted by a neurotic Cambridge mommy.

There was less ice but lots of nasty slush and puddles. But also friendly people including a woman who moved some recycling bins out of the way for me. And this morning the man who hands out the free daily paper at the subway station let me know the escalator was going up instead of down and two men held open doors for me simultaneously and this seemed to counterbalance the Anna Nicole and Britney Spears celebrity trashola drama that makes me think Armageddon is upon us.

I need to start choosing The Economist at the gym instead of Life and Style.



Blogger Teri said...

Go you! Our policy over here: if the temp is over 40 degrees, we go out walking.

9:22 AM, February 21, 2007


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