Tuesday, May 01, 2007


So it's coming up on three years since I left the chickenfucker, three years with nigh close to zero activity on the life partner front. If I go another six months or so I'll have been alone for longer than I was with him.

This really, really sucks.

But what sucks even more is having your 18 year old cousin, who is still in high school, try to set you up with his 26 year old boss at Gillette Stadium, a boss who has a scraggly beard, doesn't say much, and follows the band Mo around. What sucks more than that is to have your cousin then, before leaving, slip you his e-mail address and tell you his fee is 25 bucks, refundable if Mr. Wonderful doesn't show up for our date.

In the (paraphrased) words of Charlotte York: I've been doing everything I'm supposed to be. WHERE IS HE?!?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

One assumes there is a reason why he is referred to as the chickenfucker which I very much doubt I want to know and am sorry you undoubtedly do.

3:00 PM, May 02, 2007

Blogger McPolack said...

He was a BB, thursday, Bad Boyfriend all the way...strung me along, cut me down, et cetera ad infinitum. But I stayed in it for three and a half years.

7:58 AM, May 03, 2007

Blogger Nonsequitur said...

McP... even if you are alone right now, it's way better than being with a mentally-diseased clown like that. I've seen other relationships of this ilk and it's usually some sort of severe inferiority complex and lack of emotional maturity on the part of the abuser. They find someone who is not self-assured enough to stand up for themselves yet and feed off them like a vampire until their victim finally realizes it and kicks them to the curb, then said vampire will either wake up and start maturing or they move on and attach themselves to another host. I've read many of your chickenf**ker-themed posts and I am glad that you've had the good sense to cut him off. If you haven't already, I'd heavily recommend that you read She's Come Undone, by Wally Lamb. Considering what you've been through, I think it would be great emotional soul-food for you. It is better to be alone than to settle for another emotionally-stunted train wreck who doesn't know how to respect you and well-worth waiting for a good one to come along. Btw, your cousin has issues. Thank you, reading some of your experiences is starting to make me feel like my family has some shaky semblance of normalcy.

9:38 AM, May 03, 2007


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