Saturday, February 09, 2008

Why thank you, elderly man in the Somerville Market Basket, for brightening a dreary day

I needed groceries and a challenge and so off to the Somerville Market Basket I went. It was at about the right level of craziness for an early Saturday evening, and as I was checking out the broccoli crowns an elderly gentleman to my right leaned in and said "You know, these are great for keeping your hair from falling out and stopping it from going gray."

Naturally what little hair he had was nearly white. I told him it looked like the broccoli was working. Then he said to me "Oh, I used to eat salads but they take so much work. Now I just eat a little of this, plus some turnips and cut up carrots. It's wonderful. Of course you can't convince anyone under the age of 30 of this...except for you."



Blogger laura didyk said... sweet...

thanks for sharing (and your description of mass was great)...I wanted to hear more about the homily. And sincerity and being who you are.

Great stuff. for some reason, I loved imagining you at church...but I can't say for sure why.

12:29 AM, February 10, 2008

Blogger Teri said...


1:31 PM, February 10, 2008

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, how I regret that I never got to live in Somerville/Cambridge - land of the surreal interpersonal interactions... I'd tell you some Revere stories, but they're nowhere near as nice as this one.

6:43 AM, February 11, 2008


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