Friday, June 13, 2008

RIP, Tim Russert

Even though I wouldn't call myself a journalist now, I studied to be one in college. Which sounds oddly to me like I'm not only the hair club president, I'm also a client, but I digress.

I was sad to hear of Tim Russert's passing and here is one reason why, from the New York Times:

Mr. Russert was the one who proposed that the Newseum, the new news museum in Washington, carry a giant copy of the First Amendment on its façade, according to Mr. Williams.


Blogger Unknown said...

I hadn't heard, again, I get more news from your blog than any other source.. That is really sad, I used to watch him on the Today show when Katie Couric was still on it.. I really liked the way he reported.. too bad..

6:16 PM, June 13, 2008

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Me and the hubby watch a lot of news shows... lots of talking heads talking on talk shows... and Meet the Press has been a Sunday 10AM must-see for years. It feels oddly like losing an actual friend, after seeing him weekly for so long. What a loss to quality journalism, and those of us who seek it out.

9:50 PM, June 14, 2008


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