Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Hail Mary

It's been a big day in New England. First a poor lovely-seeming hard-working immigrant gets squished thanks to, I'm sure, some asshole businessperson cutting corners, and then it rains and hails and thunders and lightnings like mofo crazy in one of my old stomping grounds, Exeter, NH. There's a real swell, quality video of the destruction here. I love New Hampshire journalism.

The weather didn't turn too ugly in Somerville but the big storms were almost right next door, in Arlington and Lexington, and all four of the networks were covering it, and freaking me out. A fairly good-sized storm came through, with some impressive cracks of thunder and vivid lightning, but that was it, and that was enough for me.


Blogger Teri said...

Damn. That sucks. Both stories. I always cringe when driving through tunnels!

My friends live in seacoast area just finished cleaning/rebuilding after four feet of water flooded their house awhile back. Geez.

10:16 PM, July 12, 2006

Blogger Unknown said...

It was a crazy storm!! I live 2 miles away from Exeter, and my sister works there. I was lucky in that the huge hail we had didn't do any damage to our cars in the driveway. My sister.. well, she ended up with $5,300 worth of damage on her almost new car. Bummer.. her husband's car (he also works in Exeter) was totalled! It was a reallyl bizarre weather day!!

6:30 PM, July 13, 2006


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