Monday, February 26, 2007

McPolack Rates the Oscar Dresses

OK only two dresses because I am busy.

Gwynnie, nooooooooooo...trying to be all young and cool in the Zac Posen. But you are a mommy with one child named after a piece of fruit and another named Moses. Also this dress is kinda ugly. I don't like the cello shape of it, I do not like the color of it, I am not a fan of your hair over one shoulder like that.

Rachel, yes, yes yes! This was my favorite dress of the evening...I love the material, the jewelry, the fancy gibberdygew going on in the back, the bustline. Gorgeous! And you are a mommy who did not name her child for a fruit or a vegetable or a builder of large wooden boats OOPS-I MEANT PARTER OF THE RED SEA.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Noah built the large wooden boat. Not Noah.

Catholic college, you. Were you asleep?


1:38 PM, February 27, 2007

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I mean, not Moses. Jeez. I was asleep myself when I typed that.


1:38 PM, February 27, 2007

Blogger McPolack said...


I'm a little embarrassed...especially considering I spent my bedtime reading the night before last paging through a Catholic magazine whose focus is entirely on natural family planning...

And yet you, who have lived in sin for so long have shamed me with your biblical knowledge.

Clearly I needed to pay more attention at the old alma mater.

2:03 PM, February 27, 2007

Anonymous Anonymous said...

As to living in sin but besting you biblically, yeah, well, know thine enemies, right?

No worries thought. He parted the Red Sea, right? That's as good as building a boat. Maybe better -- you don't even need a boat if you can part seas.

2:43 PM, February 27, 2007


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