Monday, October 01, 2007

Quick Change Artist

Went from Fenway-area soiree where I wore spike heels and dark wash jeans (and got hit on by my second vagrant in two weeks - thanks for noting how good I looked, homeless fellow!) and caught up with a dear friend to my home, where I quickly shed those clothes for what I call my chickenjays, purple short button-down chicken print pajamas. Then I realized I had to take the trash out. I thought, well I can't be seen outside in these. So I put on some exercise pants and my llama-print shoes, but no bra, just the chicken top, and headed out. Really I was just missing an eau de hooch and a face mole.

Oh wait, all I was missing was an eau de hooch.

Then when I came in from taking out the trash, my kitty was meowing for greens so back out I went in my uberchic outfit, to crouch down in the front yard and pick grass for her.


Blogger Overmatter said...

how did you know she wanted greens? you're the cat whisperer!

8:51 PM, October 01, 2007

Blogger McPolack said...


9:57 PM, October 01, 2007


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