Wednesday, July 07, 2010


I am tired already of the heat. Although I must say that having the hottest day of the week happen at the beginning is a plus of sorts. It felt noticeably cooler today even though it was in the 90s and humid.

At the large 'n fancy university, the students are not exactly displaying whatever qualities garnered them a spot at the top: they've been playing volleyball outside, lots of them, at least a couple of times a day. I saw one guy playing in jeans.


Blogger KW13 said...

It was quite hot in France/Geneva today too. But thank god, less humidity than in Boston. Have you tried an ice bath yet? I used to take those when I could not stand it anymore...and the AC was not yet cool enough. MISS YOU!!!

4:25 PM, July 08, 2010

Blogger McPolack said...

KW, I am jealous of the lovely swimming pools you and R have in France. Friday I swam in a friend's pool in Lincoln and it was lovely. Have not tried ice bath yet, though am considering sewing myself an outfit out of blue gel cooling packs.

Miss you too!

9:58 AM, July 11, 2010


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