Monday, November 14, 2005


Finally went back to the dentist today after a 3-year hiatus. I don't have health insurance or a job but I didn't want to be both poor and toothless. Plus the local dentist was running a 57 dollar special on cleaning, x-rays, and consult.

What surprised me most about this dental visit was the melting pot aspect of the office. From the receptionist who checked me in to the x-ray tech to the dentist, to the hygenist, everyone was a different nationality. The hygenist actually played "guess where I'm from" with me; she turned out to be French-Canadian, which I finally figured out after making my way around the entire globe.

Unfortunately, the state of my teeth is poor. I need four fillings replaced and I almost never floss which put me at borderline for having to get some sort of very expensive deep-tissue cleaning process. I have to floss every night and rinse with Listerine twice a day and also ought to buy a sonicare toothbrush. Getting the tartar cleaned off my teeth hurt and I wished I had someone there to hold my hand.

But at least I don't need dentures.


Blogger Gil Martinez, RGD said...

those little handled flossing tools you see at the supermarket really work! My mouth used to look like a hooker's coochie until I started flossing with 'em.

3:21 PM, November 15, 2005


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