Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Big City

So to calm my anxieties over working I started packing for my weekend trip. I leave Friday to drive to Rotter-DAMN! to meet JoyceFrances, then we drive together to Poughkeepsie to get the train to NEW YORK SIT-EH! I have only ever been there twice in my life, which is a wee bit embarrassing.

And let me tell you, I am excited to put together outfits, and also a little anxious. I loved all the wacky stuff SJP wore on SITC and I am thrilled to go to the C and wear wacky outfits on my own. I have packed my tan and green embroidered circle skirt with tight black puckered-shoulder top, my tube top with the sparkly banding, my best jeans, and some four-inch spike heels. Also my orange leather jacket because even though it's going to be in the thirties, I don't know that I can be seen in my winter coat. It's just not cool enough.

As JoyceFrances and I are both low on funds, we intend to do a lot of people watching. We're also staying in Manhattan proper, which thrills me to no end. God, I am such a dork. And God, I am going to have such a fabulous frickin' time.



Blogger Teri said...

Are you serious about the clothes, or are you using artistic license here? What's up fashionista?!

1:25 AM, February 23, 2006

Blogger McPolack said...

Oh, I'm serious. At least about liking to look fashionable. I've always liked to wear outfits as opposed to clothes and NYC is a place that appreciates that sort of thing. And I've been working from home for months now and wearing jeans and sweaters. My fancy clothes are feeling neglected.

On the coat thing, though, I'm not as sure now. 30 degrees is coooooold. I'm going to wear my winter coat but bring my leather jacket, just in case.

7:41 AM, February 23, 2006

Blogger McPolack said...

Well, fly on over from England, lady! I would love to meet you. We should plan a trip with Contagious some time.

11:40 AM, February 23, 2006


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