Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Oh, He's a Big Bear

I watched Grizzly Man recently, Werner Herzog's film about Tim Treadwell, who was, well, eaten by bears. I was very touched by the film and Werner made me cry.

Well, this spoof of it made me cry too, but only because I was laughing so hard. It is one of the funniest things I have seen in a long, long time. It's also kind of terrible. And hilarious.

(You may have to wait a bit for the video to load; be patient, it's so worth it.)


Blogger Amy Traverso said...

I laughed; Scott laughed until he cried.

7:27 PM, February 28, 2006

Blogger Amy Traverso said...

BTW, here's another funny spoof:

8:00 PM, February 28, 2006

Blogger McPolack said...

CE, thanks for the video link. And I thought that the spoof might be your darling husband's comedic cup of tea. I'm glad he liked it!

Ssp, I'm coming to VT the weekend of the 11th, arriving probably late afternoon on the 10th. Evening on the 11th is best for Dr. Moo and I and she wants to do dinner but I will leave it up to you. Where/when would you like to meet? We can do Burlington or Middlebury areas, or even Vergennes. Stowe, not so much.

BTW, we are WAY hotter than any lame curling groupies.

12:05 PM, March 01, 2006

Blogger McPolack said...

Ssp, sounds good to me. Muddy Waters, good choice! We will see you at 6:30 on March 11th.

7:20 AM, March 02, 2006


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