Thursday, February 23, 2006


So I'm at the gym this morning doing my usual circuit training when I look into one of the maaaaaaaany mirrors they have at my gym, even in the woman's section, and see a pair of bulging biceps connected to some rather large shoulder muscles. They look a wee bit manly. What are they doing in the women's section of the gym?

Oh, riiiiiiiiiiight. They're my ginormous man-arms. Which match perfectly with my ginormous man-legs. I have gotten up to 45 pounds on the bicep curl machine. I thought you were supposed to just keep adding weights because eventually the weights would stop working and you would revert to flab but oh no, instead what happens is that you turn into Arnold Schwarzeneggerina. I do understand the basic principles of weightlifting -- I just didn't realize my body would react in such a grapefruit-like (okay, more like orange-like) fashion, and seemingly overnight.

Wish though I might for the slender and delicate frame of a genteel lady, I have instead the build of a strapping, potato-eating peasant farmer, and I am learning to love it.


Blogger McPolack said...

Even with your wee one? I bet you are stronger now than you least in one arm!

: )

7:38 AM, February 24, 2006


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